Are you ready to grow your tarot business?

Gain the momentum you want with a mentorship session that will help you grow.

Hereโ€™s the thing no one tells you about going pro as a tarot reader:

It takes a whole other skill set to be an entrepreneur.

Sure, you need to be a great tarot reader if you want to succeed. But you need more than card-slinging skills to build a business. 

So many tarot readers go undiscovered because they don’t know how to get themselves out there, promote their work properly, or build a sustainable, long-term business. So many give up too soon because they get discouraged, disillusioned, or burned out.

In this industry, it's easy to start to feel like you're trading time for money. 

But you didn't build a business just to create another job for yourself: You started this business because you want to experience more freedom while feeling fulfilled.

You know your work as a tarot reader is valuable. And you’re determined to make this work.

If you’re tired of... 

  • Feeling like you are trading time for money; 
  • Feeling like no matter what you try, nothing is working to bring in new clients;
  • Feeling overwhelmed by what you need to focus on first to build your business;
  • Feeling like you're playing guessing games with your marketing strategies;
  • Feeling intimidated and confused about how to grow your business;
  • Feeling discouraged every time you check your inbox and you still new sales, appointments, or inquiries about your services.

And you're ready to:

  • Prioritize your time and efforts more effectively;
  • Get your work in front of more people;
  • Feel clearer about what you need to be doing each day in your business;
  • Stop feeling alone and isolated as you navigate one of the most important things in your life - your business; and
  • Get some feedback, guidance and advice on your website, social media posts, offers, and other strategies so that you can build, improve, and grow your business on your terms. 

If you want mentorship from another tarot reader who understands the unique struggles that tarot readers experience in this industry... Then let's work together to help your business thrive.

Who am I? My name is Liz Worth. 

I am the author of The Power of Tarot and Going Beyond the Little White Book. I've built my full-time tarot practice in a way that suits me: I work from home, with clients from all over the world, and have time to write and create without feeling burned out. 

In 2017, I was listed on FLARE Magazine's "How I Made It List," which is a round-up of 100 Canadian business women who are making it in this world. 

I know what it's like to answer a calling: It's exciting, scary, rewarding and uncertain all at the same time.

I also know that building a spiritual business like this one is a unique journey: Generic business advice doesn't always work as effectively in this industry.

If you are on your path and want advice from someone who's sharing this journey, too, and who understands your specific line of work, let's connect.

Sometimes you just need to talk to someone who GETS IT.

Running a tarot business can be an amazing experience.

But it doesn't mean there aren't times when you feel lonely, indecisive, stressed out, unsure of yourself.

A string of bad clients can make you question whether you're cut out for this work. A bad month can make you wonder if you're doing anything right. 

And seeing other tarot readers succeed with booked-up calendars, sold out workshops, and new book deals can ramp up all kinds of insecurities.

The good news is you don't have to go down this road alone.

I know how stressful it is to deal with difficult clients. 

I know all about the unrealistic expectations tarot readers face.

I know how it feels on those when it seems like no matter how hard you try, the clients are not lining up like you'd hoped. 

You know you’re an amazing tarot reader and you’ve got rave reviews from clients to prove it. You know your work matters and that you’ve been called to this path for a reason.

You know your skills as a tarot reader are solid.

But when it comes to running your business in a way that feels healthy, sustainable, and profitable? That’s where you could use a hand.

Are You Ready to Grow, Fix, or Build Your Tarot Business?

Here's what what we can work on together:

I offer single-session business consultations. Each time we meet, we'll focus on your most pressing business goals and questions. 

These sessions are for you if: 

  • You want eyes and expertise on your tarot business;
  • You want direction and clarity about how to overcome your most pressing business issues; 
  • You need help figuring out your social media content, newsletters, or other marketing components; 
  • You're attracting the wrong clients and need help with better policies, website messaging, and boundaries 
  • You feel stuck, lost, or uncertain of HOW to grow from here and you need someone to point you in the right direction.

We can accomplish a lot together - if you're ready to do the work, show up for your business, and take action.

Ready To Book a Tarot Business Mentorship Session?

You can choose to book a 60 or 90-minute session.

One 60-minute call:



A laser-focused session to work on YOUR tarot business and support your development as a tarot reader.


One 90-minute call:



Want a bit more time together? Ask me anything about your tarot business and your development as a tarot reader.


"How do I know this is the right option for me?"

I know that before I make an investment in my business, I always wonder: "Will this actually work?" 

If you have questions about your business that you can't answer yourself...If you are looking for someone to be a sounding board and guide you towards business growth... If you are in stuck in your tarot business and you need someone to help you figure out your next steps...this will work for you. 

You can be full-time or part-time in your business. You can be decades into this work or navigating your first year as a tarotpreneur. 

As long as you have a tarot business and you are coachable and ready to take action, this is for you. 

But you should NOT book a Tarot Business Mentorship session if: 

  • You're not ready to work on your business; 
  • You don't even have a tarot business yet - because hey, I need you to be up and running to be able to coach you on your next steps. (BUT... if you are building from the ground up you might want to check out my mentorship programs instead)
  • You can't afford it. Seriously. This is a coaching session and some of the work that comes from it may take you several weeks or months to implement. This is not a quick business fix and I don't want you coming to our session feeling as though you can't afford to be there.
  • You're expecting me to do your work. Nope! Your business is your responsibility. I will advise and guide you, but you have to follow through on any assignments, homework or content creation that comes from our discussion. 

Ready To Book a Tarot Business Mentorship Session?

Choose a 60 or 90-minute session.

One 60-minute call:



Ask me anything about your tarot business and your development as a tarot reader. 


One 90-minute call:



Ask me anything about your tarot business and your development as a tarot reader.